
Literary Reflections is a way for me to express thoughts about my favorite hobby to the void.

Established in August of 2020, the goal of this blog is to celebrate good books and broadcast personal thoughts and reviews. My hope is that others will be inspired to read. The less egotistical ambition of this blog is simply a way to remember the great reads that impact my life. Writing about great books keeps their magic fresh with me. So as much as this blog is for you, the reader, it is really more for me, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

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_The Executioner’s Song_ by Norman Mailer, 1979

Winner of the Pulitizer Prize, this book has been on my TBR pile for quite some time. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed a couple other Norman Mailer works for his modern post WWII style. Mailer is gritty and extreme. His works are often detailed and meticulous, but the depth of insight he achieves into the…

_Happy-Go-Lucky_ by David Sedaris, 2022

I surely would’ve read this sooner, had I realized that it was out! David Sedaris remains my all time favorite humorist. His writing and prose is witty with a cynical gaze that points out the crazy social world we live in. No one is safe from his analysis, not even himself or his family who…

_My Heart is a Chainsaw_ by Stephen Graham Jones, 2021

I read The Only Good Indian a year or so ago and was surprised at how much of it stayed with me. Stephen Graham Jones is one of the more interesting developments in the genre of Horror in the last few years. His perspective and characters are uniquely native American which is a complex realm…

_Boys will be Boys_ by Clementine Ford, 2018

During a conversation in which my girlfriend expounded upon the Korean male culture and why her Korean friend may never even consider marriage, I exclaimed, “Well it does sound bad, but surely not all Korean men are awful!” I watched the light in her eyes die a little as she said, “That sounds a lot…


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