_The Executioner’s Song_ by Norman Mailer, 1979

Winner of the Pulitizer Prize, this book has been on my TBR pile for quite some time. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed a couple other Norman Mailer works for his modern post WWII style. Mailer is gritty and extreme. His works are often detailed and meticulous, but the depth of insight he achieves into theContinue reading “_The Executioner’s Song_ by Norman Mailer, 1979”

_Happy-Go-Lucky_ by David Sedaris, 2022

I surely would’ve read this sooner, had I realized that it was out! David Sedaris remains my all time favorite humorist. His writing and prose is witty with a cynical gaze that points out the crazy social world we live in. No one is safe from his analysis, not even himself or his family whoContinue reading “_Happy-Go-Lucky_ by David Sedaris, 2022”

_The Field of Blood_ by Joanne B. Freeman, 2018

As it often happens the spring has been a super busy time for me, so while I continue to read regularly I am a little behind on blog posts. Here’s a quick weekly recommendation with more to come in the coming weeks! Field of Blood: Violence in Congress and the Road to Civil War isContinue reading “_The Field of Blood_ by Joanne B. Freeman, 2018”

_A Master of Djinn_ by P. Djèlí Clark, 2021

Winner of the 2022 Nebula Award, P. Djèlí Clark’s A Master of Djinn is an original take on the genre of Steampunk. Clark is the pen name for Dexter Gabriel a professor at the University of Connecticut, who needed something to differentiate his fictional work from professional publications. (Best excuse for a pen name I’veContinue reading “_A Master of Djinn_ by P. Djèlí Clark, 2021”

_Trust_ by Hernan Diaz, 2022

I started this 2023 Pulitzer Prize winning novel with a bit of skepticism.  If you’ve followed this blog then it’s clear that Cormac McCarthy’s dual volume The Passenger/Stella Maris was a high contender for me last year. Those two books were so well constructed, so well written, and such a pinnacle of work by aContinue reading “_Trust_ by Hernan Diaz, 2022”

_A Memory Called Empire_ by Arkady Martine, 2019

A Memory Called Empire follows an ambassador from a small space station as she travels to the capital of a galactic empire, Teixcalaan. Mahit Dzmere finds herself in the unique culture and a stranger in a strange land. Her assignment to Teixcalaan is immediately perilous, as it becomes apparent that the previous ambassador from herContinue reading “_A Memory Called Empire_ by Arkady Martine, 2019”

_The Wager_ by David Grann, 2023

For lovers of nautical lore and from the critically acclaimed author of Killers of the Flower Moon, comes a gripping historical account of the HMS Wager and her crew ship wrecked off the coast of South America in the year 1714. It is a story of death and human nature as the sailors are facedContinue reading “_The Wager_ by David Grann, 2023”

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