_Happy-Go-Lucky_ by David Sedaris, 2022

I surely would’ve read this sooner, had I realized that it was out! David Sedaris remains my all time favorite humorist. His writing and prose is witty with a cynical gaze that points out the crazy social world we live in. No one is safe from his analysis, not even himself or his family whoContinue reading “_Happy-Go-Lucky_ by David Sedaris, 2022”

_Trust_ by Hernan Diaz, 2022

I started this 2023 Pulitzer Prize winning novel with a bit of skepticism.  If you’ve followed this blog then it’s clear that Cormac McCarthy’s dual volume The Passenger/Stella Maris was a high contender for me last year. Those two books were so well constructed, so well written, and such a pinnacle of work by aContinue reading “_Trust_ by Hernan Diaz, 2022”

_A Memory Called Empire_ by Arkady Martine, 2019

A Memory Called Empire follows an ambassador from a small space station as she travels to the capital of a galactic empire, Teixcalaan. Mahit Dzmere finds herself in the unique culture and a stranger in a strange land. Her assignment to Teixcalaan is immediately perilous, as it becomes apparent that the previous ambassador from herContinue reading “_A Memory Called Empire_ by Arkady Martine, 2019”

_Being Henry: The Fonz… and Beyond_ by Henry Wrinkler, 2023

Henry Wrinkler seems like a really nice guy. It would be just a pleasure to meet him in real life. If you are someone who wants to be an actor or just a huge Fonz fan then this book is a great read for you! As a book… It’s just okay. The content is fanContinue reading “_Being Henry: The Fonz… and Beyond_ by Henry Wrinkler, 2023”

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